At odds with your utility supplier?
We’ll do the heavy lifting, fighting your case on your behalf and making sure you don’t overpay.
We’ve been saving money for Aegon since 2011
We undertook intensive research and on-site surveys, which identified errors in water charges. Initially the water suppliers disputed the overcharges, though we were able to win the case on behalf of Aegon.
£117k saved per annum
£461k rebate
Identification of mis-sold utility contracts, brokered by their previous incumbent.
We were able to identify a number of red-flags associated with the previous broker relating to energy contracts. From there, we were able to renegotiate the contract onto market leading rates that resulted in a reduction in costs over the lifetime of the deal in excess of £100,000.
£100k saved
JOA became involved in a complex water dispute with their supplier. They asked us to step in and negotiate on their behalf.
JOA were advised by their water supplier that they owed £7k. The issue arose as a result of incorrect billing, identified as being technically incorrect by our billing team. We then provided dispute management support to ensure that the complex negotiations were resolved and correct billing was delivered. As a result, we were able to significantly reduce the cost of the bill.
Identifying and resolving legacy errors carried over from the previous broker as well as looking at consumption efficiency.
By focusing in on the detail, leveraging our 25 years of experience and concentrating on working in partnership with Trespass, we were able to achieve direct, bottom line savings of over £170,000 for Trespass in the first 12-months of the contract.
£53k electricity charges recovered
£170k saved in first 12 months
Norwood Properties were involved in a dispute with their water supplier over a backbill. They asked us to help them resolve the issue.
When we were appointed, disconnection proceedings were already underway. We immediately arranged for the account to be placed on hold, then began the complex negotiations. During this time, we were able to achieve a significant reduction on the balance owed, and we also secured a long-term payment plan for our client.
65% reduction of backbill
£10k saved on water charges
Our detailed audit uncovered discrepancies in their electricity costs, which we then contested with the supplier.
In just two months, we managed to secure a full recovery of the overcharges. We also negotiated a new electricity contract on their behalf, saving them 50%.
£3k recovery of overcharges
50% saved on new electricity contract
We were tasked with challenging a large claim, which had a value of £400k.
In every dispute, our goal is to get the best settlement—as soon as possible. Our team of consultants investigated the billing history, dating back 14 years. We then produced a comprehensive report, identifying areas where the supplier had been negligent and had not followed industry codes.
Following complex negotiations, we were able to secure a substantial refund on behalf of our client. Spectrum Properties were very happy with the outcome, which saved them a large amount of money (in respect of irrecoverable costs) as well as valuable time.
£44k reduction of original claim
£165k saved on electricity charges
Get in touch and start saving money